five dances against violence
Alberto Canestro and his Lyricdancecompany want to trigger, through the power of art and the emotion of dance, reflections on the theme of violence against women, presenting to the public three figures of women from history who, from being victims, have risen through their art, to become symbols of strength and courage for every woman.
"My inspiration was again guided by the figures of women artists who left an indelible contribution to painting and music - explains Alberto Canestro - electing them for this show as a symbol of women's ransom from violence. With their works and their lives Artemisia Gentileschi and Frida Khalo have shown that they are able to react courageously to a violent destiny; instead, the unmistakable voice of Edith Piaf evokes the painful memories of a fragile and a too sensitive existence, bent by life. The poetry of the actions danced by narrative bodies, sublimates the memories of violence suffered, the physical and psychological abuse, the denied dignity, stigmatising them in the essence of memory ".