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Image gallery at the Rifredi theater in Florence:
Amor Vincit Omnia

The atmospheres, the light and the colours of Caravaggio's paintings come together in this original choreographic creation to witness the power and universality of the great seventeenth-century painter.

Atmospheres of great rigor and classic elegance give three-dimensionality to the danced actions of the works of Caravaggio.The moving figures seem to come out of the paintings in a continuum of intentionality and emotionality, where the drama of the pictorial composition finds its natural unfolding in space.

Canestro encodes the emotional charge and the compositional power of the paintings, captures the plastic elements and lets them flow and change into present forms, from which an enormous respect and admiration for the great artist of the seventeenth century shines through.

Original music by the composer Enrico Fabio Cortese.

Lyricdancestudio A.S.D. / via dello Steccuto 19a - 50141 Firenze / 055 9334567 / 366 8929292 / C. F. 94202070481

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